Header graphic showing red and blue siren light streaks and text Superintendent Statement: Bus Accident

I wanted to update our school community on the school bus accident this morning involving bus 342 with 18 students on board. 

Seven students from BEJ Elementary were transported to receive medical care - six were taken to UNC Hospital and one student was taken by a parent to the hospital.  I am relieved to report that there were no fatalities in this unfortunate incident. 

I want to sincerely thank the first responders, volunteers, and community members who quickly came to the aid of our students. The compassion shown by the many individuals who assisted, comforted, and cared for our children is deeply moving.  Some of them sat with our students and wrapped them in blankets until EMS arrived.  

In particular, I want to recognize our dedicated administrators, teachers, and staff who provided immediate support and comfort to the students at the school. 

Their commitment to the well-being of our students is invaluable. I also want to acknowledge the emergency medical teams and law enforcement officers who secured the scene and tended to injured students.

While this was an unsettling event, it highlights the care and humanity within our community. 

We are reminded of the good that comes when we work together, especially in difficult times. 

Thank you again to all those who responded today. Please keep our students and families in your thoughts.

Dr. Butler, ABSS Superintendent