General Attendance Reminders
Absences for appointments will only be excused if a doctor’s note is provided.
If a student is absent for illness or injury, a note must be sent within 3 days of the student’s return to school. Without a note, the absences will remain unexcused.
Only three days can be excused for illness/injury. Anything beyond 3 days will require a doctor’s note.
For funerals, up to 3 days can be excused. Anything further will require Principal approval. An excuse note must be sent in within 3 days of the student’s return to school.
Covid Related Absences
Covid related absences need to be communicated to the school immediately so that our nurse can speak with a parent. If a school staff member states that a student must quarantine/isolate, a return date will be given and the absences will be excused.
If you choose to keep your child home out of precaution, the absences will not be excused unless a doctor’s note is provided.