School Improvement Plan


  • The 2023-2024 School Improvement Team: 


    Leslie Ray, principal; Jatara McIntyre, assistant principal; Lisa Barry-Black, MTSS interventionist; Andrea Perue, Grade 5; Ashley Cook, Grade 4; Irina McKinney, Grade 3; Katerinne Higuera, Grade 2; Lily Hue Carter, Grade 1;  Danielle Benneville, Kindergarten; Vacant, AIG Specialist/Indistar Manager; Elizabeth Gangitano, EC Teacher;  Brittany Myers, Student Services; Olga Ponce, parent; Latasha McCollum, School Instructional Specialist; Kam Gattis, IA


    *Election by ballot took place on August 19th, 2024.


    Please view our School Improvement Plan on Indistar.  


    Indistar is a web-based tool that guides our school team in charting its improvement and managing the continuous improvement process.

    username:  GuestS15538

    password:  GuestS15538


    Meeting agendas will be posted on the School Improvement Team calendar at least two days prior to the meeting. They will generally follow this format: 



    • Teams gather pertinent data for sharing. Place a shareable link on the SIP Agenda to your data share information labeling with your grade level and name of the data set. 


    • K-5 SIP leaders will report grade level standards mastery rates data monthly and share grade level strategies to increase standards mastery rates. 

    • K-5 SIP leaders will report grade level proficiency data from Fundations,  mClass and Achieve monthly and share grade level strategies to increase proficiency levels. 

    • K-5 SIP leaders will report grade level Educator’s Handbook data monthly and share grade level strategies to reduce the number of grade level incidents monthly. 

    • Principal/Asst. Principal will share Digicoach Data and offer strategies to increase observable actions.  

    • School Counselor will share attendance data and SST referral data and suggest strategies for improvement. 

    • Team will confer and make decisions on matters of schoolwide aligned to the goals.


    • All stakeholders will share and use the discussions to deplore new strategies, continue strategies making gains, and to support the whole child development of academic and behavior core expectations.  


    If you'd like to provide feedback on the School Improvement Plan, please email with your suggestions, questions, or comments.