
Each year the Alamance-Burlington School System conducts student health screenings to better serve the students in Alamance County. Trained and certified staff members conduct hearing and vision screenings. Parent/guardians and or school staff may request a screening at any time. The screenings are performed at selected grade levels and parent/ guardians may contact their child’s school for specific screening dates and times. Hearing screening is conducted for grades Pre K, K, 1, 3 & 5. Vision screening is conducted for grades 3, 5, and 7. Additional grade levels may be screened. Parent/guardians shall be notified in writing if a student fails a health screening and may need additional evaluation and/or follow up care. Blood pressure screening and Body Mass Index (BMI) may be conducted for special populations in the schools. Parents/guardians who do not wish to have their child screened must send a written note to the child’s teacher prior to the screening.

Concise Statements