2023-2024 Transportation with buses in background
Tomorrow is the ABSS county deadline to have your child registered for the bus for the 2023-2024 school year. As a reminder this is done in your Parent PowerSchool Portal. If you need assistance accessing your account or completing this from please call the school and speak with Ms. Riley or come into the office and we will work with you to get this complete. 
Previous reminder
In order for your child(ren) to receive bus transportation on the 1st day of school, for the 2023-2024 school year they MUST have their information updated by May 1 in PowerSchool. Please see the attached flyer
for additional information (English and Spanish versions are attached).  Thank you to our parents for making sure this completed by the district deadline. If you need assistance please call the school or come into the office and we will work with you to get this complete. Thank you to our current and future bus riders for making your bus ridership complete for the 2023-2024 school year.