Rule 10: Bullying and Harassment
Students shall not engage in bullying or harassment of other students. Bullying means the repeated intimidation of others by the real or threatened infliction of physical, verbal, written, electronically transmitted or emotional abuse or through attacks on the property of another. Bullying may include, but is not limited to, verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, extortion of money or possessions, implied or stated threats, and exclusion from peer groups. Harassment means any offensive verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to interfere with a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity. Any student who believes that he or she has been bullied or harassed in violation of this policy should report such behavior immediately to a teacher, counselor or administrator at his/her school. Retaliation against any person who reports harassment or bullying is prohibited.
Consequences Elementary - High School - Ranging from in-school disciplinary action up to 10 days OSS. Law enforcement may be contacted.
ABSS Student Code of Conduct 2019-2020