Student Accident Insurance
The Alamance-Burlington School System (ABSS) furnishes a limited benefit base (claims up to $25,000) accident insurance policy on all its students and athletes during school sponsored and supervised activities. The policy provides excess coverage for students with other insurance coverage. Its limited benefits pay when other benefits have been exhausted. In cases in which a student has no other coverage with either a commercial insurance policy, Medicare, or Medicaid, the ABSS insurance policy then becomes the primary policy.
Our district purchases catastrophic accident Insurance on all middle school and high school athletes. This insurance provides excess coverage for all interscholastic athletic school supervised and sponsored activities on a claim that exceeds $25,000. The district has the master policy on file for both the base (claims up to $25,000) and catastrophic (claims above $25,000) accident Insurance. The policy outlines in detail the benefits and exclusions.
If your student should be injured while participating in a school sponsored or supervised event, the following procedures must be followed to process a claim under the insurance provided by ABSS:
Access the claim form available online (see documents below).
See a physician within 30 days of the injury.
Complete and submit the Accident Claim form. The claim form must be filed with the insurance company within 60 days of the injury and should include the Explanation of Benefits form from your primary insurance carrier.
Visit this website for additional Primary Coverage Parent Paid accident plan options.
For questions about ABSS insurance coverage, call the service broker:
Doug Young, President
The Young Group, Inc.
(888) 574-6288