Title I-Part A
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides supplemental funding for schools to help ensure that all students meet challenging state academic standards.
School-wide, supplementary Title I program services are available to all Alamance-Burlington elementary and middle schools with an economically-disadvantaged student percentage of at least 53%. ABSS currently serves 18 Title I public schools and six private schools (Title I, Title II, Title III, and/or Title IV-Part A).
For questions or concerns related to Title I, please contact the Federal Programs Department. We will assist you with contacting the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's Ombudsman.
Participating Private Schools
Alamance Christian School, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, Burlington Christian Academy, The Burlington School, Positive Day School, Providence Montessori School
Title I Schools
Andrews Elementary
B. Everett Jordan Elementary
Eastlawn Elementary
Grove Park Elementary
Haw River Elementary
Hillcrest Elementary
Newlin Elementary
North Graham Elementary
Pleasant Grove Elementary
South Graham Elementary
Sylvan Elementary
Broadview Middle
Graham Middle
Turrentine Middle
Woodlawn Middle
Graham High School
Hugh M. Cummings High School
Ray Street Academy