Mental Health Services

What is Mental Health?

One’s overall social and emotional development and ability to cope with life’s stressors, both positive and negative. SEL supports school mental health and wellness of students and staff. SEL is asset based, preventative, and proactive in ensuring mental wellness in all students.

*Definition from Integrated Academic & Behavior Support, NC Department of Public Instruction

Why school-based mental health?

School-based mental health supports can provide more consistent services by removing barriers, such as cost and transportation. These supports can also improve communication among stakeholders/providers and consistency in services for students and families. With the abundance of research that clearly links mental health status with how students think, interact, behave and learn, we can no longer expect students to leave their mental health needs, from overall wellness to serious mental illness, at the door when they enter school buildings. 

Graphic with the header, school-based health center ideal services.  In the middle are three circles, purple, blue and orange, with a blue silhouette in the middle, jumping in the air.  One line is pointing to the outer purple circle with text "Community-Based Population Health and Preventative Services:  Family, parent, and Community Partner events and services.  One line is pointing to the blue circle with text, school, coordination and engagement services, providing expertise and consultation to school staff and administration.  One line is pointing to the orange circle with taxed youth based population health and preventative services providing information directly to students through groups or in classrooms.  One line is pointing to the middle with text Integrated Mental, Physical, and Oral Health Services:  Clinical services provided in the SBHC.

What structure/framework is best?

As state departments of education, local education agencies, and schools across the nation begin to build school-based mental health supports, the majority are finding that a multi-tiered system of support is the most effective and efficient means of providing supports for all students’ mental health needs. School-wide supports with all staff members involved in delivery increases sustainability.  John E. Derochers explains the benefits of building school-wide supports within a multi-tiered system of support in his article, The Best Mental Health Programs Start with all Students.