Kelly Ventra
Welcome A.O. Families!
As parents, we support our children with their education. As a PTA, we work collaboratively to support our school through many events and volunteer opportunities. The AO Elementary PTA, is your PTA and you are welcome and encouraged to attend and be a part of the meetings and events.
Volunteering through the PTA gives you an opportunity to learn more about the school, where your child spends the majority of their day. It allows you to become better acquainted with the AO teachers, administrators, staff, and fellow parents. Most importantly volunteering through the PTA affords you the opportunity to help your child’s school.
In the Spring a PTA Nomination Form will be handed out to the entire school for you to nominate yourself or someone you would like to see on the PTA board. If you think you would be interested in becoming a board or committee member for the 2024-2025 school year, NOW is your time to ask about opportunities and volunteer! We welcome you!
If you are interested in volunteering, email us at
A.O. Elementary PTA
2023-2024 Board Members
Vice President
Ricky Irby
Laura Bennett
Kaitlyn Satterfield
Link Your Cards
Link free money for our school! All you need to do is click on the link below and follow the steps! If you have trouble, please print the document below and send it to school with your child. A PTA representative Will do it for you!
Harris Teeter
Link VIC customer card to AO! Our School Code is #5083EVERY August (or any month after August/anytime) you MUST re-link your card. It's SIMPLE! Just tell the cashier at checkout to link your card to AO!
The school code at Office Depot is 70061003.
Tell the cashier what school you want your purchase associated with and they will put the code in for you!