
An internship is a work-based learning experience where a student participates in the daily operations of a work site under the direct supervision of a business mentor. The internship provides a realistic environment within which a student intern learns about a particular industry or occupation and applies knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.  The work experience should contribute to the student's career pathway helping the student to narrow their career choices.

Students seeking to earn a high school credit for an Internships must complete a minimum of 120 hours with the internship host and submit additional course assignments including a portfolio.  See Mrs. Simpson-Coble, Career Development Coordinator in Student Services, if you would like more information or would like to sign up for an Internship course.

For a virtual experience, visit Virtual Internship! by Rubin

New NCDPI Website

For Students and Educators

Virtual Internship! Explore the World of the Trades

Virtual Internship! Explore the World of Sports Careers

Virtual Internship! Explore the World of Medical Careers

Virtual Internship! Explore the World of Being a Chef

Careers in Dentistry Virtual Shadowing Experience - FREE

We have partnered with NC AHEC and the UNC Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry to bring your Health Science students a very unique experience this school year! 

The program has two components for students to fully grasp the array of healthcare professionals within a dental office.

 Careers in Dentistry 101 is a two-part online learning module FREE for students, but does require registration through the NC AHEC website. Please click on the "Register" button to register for FREE access to both modules.