Student Support Services

Welcome to the Cummings High School Student Support Services Page!

Mrs. Sowinski "Ski"  (Secretary/Registrar), Ms. Norris (School Social Worker), Mrs. Santana (Data Manager), Ms. Shackelford (School Counselor Last Names L-Z), Ms. Palazzi (School Counselor Last Names A-K), Ms. Tamba (College Advisor)

We believe:
The Student Support Services Team at Hugh M. Cummings High School believes that all students can learn.  We believe the role of school counselors and other student support staff is to advocate for all students, meeting each student at his or her developmental level. School Counselors and SSST members use the highest ethical standards to guide our work.

Student Support Services Program Mission Statement:
The mission of the Hugh M Cummings High School Student Support Services Team is to provide all students with a comprehensive student support services program that encourages high student achievement through growth in academic, career, and personal/social domains. The Student Support Services Team strives to engage all students and equip them to be successful lifelong learners and contributing members of society.

Program Goals:

  • Remove Barriers to learning that negatively impact our four-year cohort graduation rate by using data to guide interventions

  • Create a climate of collaboration with families, stakeholders, community and the school by active involvement in school, local community and other agency programs

  • Engage in opportunities for professional development to promote well-qualified licensed school support staff

  • Develop a professional school support services team through leadership training, guidance and mentoring

Confidentiality Statement:
Student Support Services Team members agree to keep all student information discussed in meetings confidential.  Information shared in meetings is for the purpose of planning interventions that will contribute to the academic success of students.  Information is not to be shared with anyone outside the meeting.  The only exceptions to this rule are: 1) we are concerned that the student is a harm to him/herself or others, 2) the student is being harmed by someone else, or 3) the team believes it is necessary to refer the student to a person outside the team.