Policies and Information
Mobile Learning Handbook (for Chromebooks) This handbook has information about expectations, care, and responsibilities for usage of student Chromebooks. Information about costs to repair broken devices and optional insurance are included. This form must be signed by a parent before a student will be issued a device.
WAHS Student Handbook 2022-2023
ABSS Code of Conduct (English and Spanish)
Check out Policy - Early Dismissals for Student Drivers:
If it is necessary for a student to leave school during the school day, parents or legal guardians must fill out the Early Dismissal Form by 10:00 AM on the day of early dismissal. The form is located on our website. The form must include the reason for leaving campus, the time to leave, and the parent or guardian’s contact information. The student is responsible to let the teacher know the time they are to be dismissed. The student must come to the front office and sign out before leaving campus.
Should a student become ill or sustain a major injury while at school, the parent will be called to take the student home or to secure permission for the student to drive home, ride home with another student, or be picked up by a trusted individual named by the parent.
** Once on campus a student may not leave without administrative & parent permission.
Any student leaving campus with an early dismissal who is NOT a driver (driving themselves) needs to have the person driving sign them out in the main office with a driver's license even if they are siblings. Anyone checking a student out of school needs to be on the contact list which can be updated by the parent/guardian themselves through their parent PowerSchool account.