contractor cleaning classroom items at Andrews Elementary

Final testing and work on the Andrews Elementary School HVAC system is being done this weekend, which means students should be able to return to their campus for the first day of school on August 28.

“Our ABSS staff and contractors have worked nearly around the clock to get this school ready.  I’m proud of the work they’ve done to make this campus safe for students and staff,” said Dr. Dain Butler, Superintendent.  

Teachers are working off site today but should be allowed to return early next week once all third party air quality tests are completed and certified.  

Once all of the work is completed, the District will have spent over $1.2 million on mold remediation and HVAC system repairs at both Andrews and Newlin Elementary Schools.  

“We regret that Newlin students may have to begin the year at one of our other campuses.  However, this would only be temporary.” Butler added.  

The ABSS Board of Education approved $495,000 earlier this week with Sasser Restoration to conduct comprehensive mold remediation at Newlin Elementary. A contingency plan is being developed and will be released early next week.  

ABSS officials are currently discussing plans to proactively evaluate and address any smaller-scale indoor air quality issues at all campuses. HVAC systems are being closely monitored to ensure optimal ventilation.