Articles on Families
Aggression in Middle Schoolers
Childhood aggression is an important focus for educators and parents owing to its relative stability over time and consistent link to a variety of negative outcomes later in adolescence.
Alternative to spanking
Most parents desire well-behaved children who mature into productive, responsible, and self-disciplined adults. This is not easy task. When developing an effective discipline strategy, it is important to understand that the parent-child relationship is vital to the development of an emotionally healthy child. Caregivers provide guidance through life’s challenges and offer opportunities that shape their child’s views of life. Accordingly, the supportive, nurturing parental relationship will create trust, making it easier to implement an effective discipline system.
Back to School tips
Excerpt: Getting a new school year off to a good start can influence children’s attitude, confidence, and performance both socially and academically.
Being motivated academically
Excerpt: What is Academic Motivation? A child who is academically motivated wants to learn, likes learning-related activities, and believes school is important. We want to help children develop a desire to do well in school because the children believe that learning is important and rewarding in their lives.
Excerpt: This year about one million children will experience a family divorce. About 50% of marriages end in divorce, which means that more than one-third of the children will live in a single parent household for part of their childhood.
Effective Parenting
Excerpt: The issue of how to provide appropriate and adequate parenting and discipline is of great concern to the educational community. Parents want well-behaved children. They want children to grow up to be contented, productive, responsible and self-disciplined. Some children’s behaviors are particularly challenging.
Evaluation Choices
Excerpt: When children's academic failure or improper school behaviors are reported, it is not unusual that parents feel apprehensive. Moreover, when psychological evaluations are suggested, parents may become overwhelmed.
Preventing Obesity
Excerpt: Over the past 3 decades, the percentage of overweight school-age children has nearly quadrupled (4% in 1965 to 15 % in 2001). In addition, data collected as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey revealed that ethnic minority children and children from poorer families are at increased risk for overweight and obesity.
Stress in Children
Concerns over changes in family circumstances can cause stress. Children can be affected directly by changes in their family's financial circumstances or stress they see in their parents, or more indirectly by general anxiety over problems they hear and read about in the news. Children look first to their parents and other significant adults to gauge the seriousness of their concerns. Read the article to see how parents/adults can help children cope with anxiety or stress.
Teens and Chores
Excerpt: Teenagers are at a developmental stage in life where they are spreading their wings, stretching themselves and the limits of their experience. They have also reached a period in cognitive development where they are able to more fully consider consequences of actions and are ready to exercise enhanced levels of judgment.
Ten reasons for not hitting children
Transitioning into middle school
Most of us remember middle school or junior high school as a time when we felt uncomfortable with ourselves. Often, it was the patience of the adults in our lives that helped us through the changes and challenges. As parents we hope that our children have a positive experience and travel through these early adolescent years smoothly.
Unsettled times impact on kids
Current world event, including the "economic crisis," can be unsettling for young people. Children may be confused or fearful that they or their family are at financial risk. Parents and teachers can help children understand what is happening factually, how events do or do not impact their lives, and how to cope with their reactions.
Video games played by kids
Do you know what your child is playing? Read about Video games, past and present, ways to protect your children and resources available.