Explore After School Program
EM Holt Explore Before - After School Care
2024-2025 School Year
Online Pre-Registration Required (to start on August 1, 2024)
Rates are based on 180 days of school. Payments are broken down into a schedule of 10 months.
AM only: $35.00 per month
PM only: $207.00 per month
AM/PM: $230.00 per month
Part-time rates: $115.00 for 10 days each month ($10.00 for each additional day)
Other Fees:
Early Release Day: $10.00 additional rate for the week
Late Payment fee: $10.00
Late Pick-up fee: $10.00
Steps for Enrollment: Your child is not enrolled until these steps have been completed.
All students (new and returning) attending Explore will need to fill out the online pre-registration form. Students with previous balances will not be enrolled before payment of all past-due amounts has been paid.
Complete and return the ABSS Daycare Agreement 24-25 provided to you once pre-registration is complete.
Make online payment using your child's Power School ID number prior to the first day of school. If you enroll after the beginning of school, payment will need to be made before the child's attendance begins.
Complete and turn in the Explore Student Emergency Contact form to the Explore Director.
Additional Explore Information:
If you are new to Explore or EM Holt, you will be able to pay online once your child is entered into the system. Once all forms are complete and first payment has been made, then your child may begin attending the Explore program.
All applicants (new and returning) must use the online pre-registration form only.
If your child is returning, accounts must be in good standing. You may check your balance online. If you have any questions please email
Pamela_Bradsher@abss.k12.nc.us or Dianne_Bradshaw@abss.k12.nc.us
Online Payments
All payments must be paid online as per ABSS policy.
Monthly fees will be billed one month at a time.
All payments are due by the 1st of each month. A late fee will be applied to your account if your account is more than 5 days past due. Late fees will be assessed on the 6th day of each month.
The first payment is due before your student(s) begins.
There must be no deferments. No payment = No services.
You will need your child's Powerschool number to complete pre-registration and online transactions. If your child is new to our school, we will provide you with your child's Powerschool number as soon as it is available.
You may also make your payment online by visiting
At the top of the page, choose Pay Child Care to create an account.
Delinquent accounts will be grounds for suspension from the program. In addition, a weekly administrative charge of $10.00 will be assessed on all outstanding accounts not to exceed $20. Payment will be considered late on the 10th of the month and a late payment fee may be applied to our child's account. Failure to pay the bill after a two-week period will result in suspension from the program until the payment is made. Repeated past due instances may be grounds for dismissal of student from our program.
Reentering the program will be based on space, availability, and payment record.
Late pick up: Any parent arriving late will be required to pay a $10.00 late fee. This fee will be added to your child's account to be paid online. Limit of late pickups : 10 times
Withdrawal and Re-enrollment Process
If you elect to withdraw your child, you must turn in an AFTERSCHOOL CARE TERMINATION NOTICE. These may be obtained by emailing Pamela_Brasher@abss.k12.nc.us or Dianne_Bradshaw@abss.k12.nc.us or printed off from the link supplied. We require a two-week notice for all withdrawals. Without a termination form, charges will continue to accrue to your account.
If you wish to change your child’s status (example for part-time to full time), you must complete a CHANGE OF STATUS REQUEST. This, too, may be obtained by emailing pamela_ bradsher@abss.k12.nc.us or Dianne_Bradhshaw@abss.k12.nc.us or printing it from link supplied.. You may only change your child’s status one time during the current school year.
Students may be removed from our Explorer program after 3 office discipline referrals.
The program is in the Pit area, gym, media center, cafeteria, and playground. The morning drop off is at the Pit entrance and the afternoon pick up is located either at the Pit or at the front playground entrance.
The Explore program will provide an afternoon snack each day. If your child is unable to eat certain snacks or would like seconds, they may bring a snack from home. Please alert us on the application form of any food allergies your child has.
Hours of Operation
Before School Care will begin at 6:45am and end at 7:30am on the days that the school operates on a normal schedule.
After School Care begins at dismissal and ends at 6:00pm on the days that school operates on a normal schedule.
Should modifications need to be made to the Explore calendar, parents will be notified via a connect-ed message. Please make sure your contact numbers are up to date in power school to receive possible updates.
Safe Arrival/Departure of Children
For Before School Care, children will use the pit entrance. Parents are required to walk their student to the door to be checked in.
A staff member will sign in all children for Before School Care.
For After School Care, children will leave their classroom at the end of the school day and be sent directly to the cafeteria for snack. An Explore employee will sign them in.
Parents/guardians are to pick up their child(ren) directly from the program at or before closing time (6:00pm).
If a child will be absent from the regular school day due to illness, he/she will not attend the After-School Program that day. The program site does not have the facilities to care for sick children.
Parents/guardians should notify the Director and the school if there is a change of address, work or home telephone numbers, or emergency contacts (persons who can be notified if parents are unavailable).
If a child is being picked up by someone other than the parents or is going to leave with another child, the Director must have written permission from the parent. We will ask for ID to make sure that person is listed on the registration sheet or note. Guest students are not allowed.
When a child is not picked up by closing time, Explore After School staff will call the parent’s/guardian’s home, work, and cell phone numbers. If there is no answer, he/she will call the emergency numbers given for the child. If neither parents/guardians nor emergency contacts can be reached within 45 minutes after closing time, the staff will call 911, ask for the social worker on call and explain the situation, and will remain with the child until further action is taken.
School Closures/Late Openings Due to Inclement Weather
When school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, the EM Holt Explore After School Program does not operate. Please talk with your child and notify their teacher about what he/she should do if this happens.
1 hour delay: Explorer Before School Care will open at 7:30am.
2 hour delay: Explorer Before School Care will open at 8:30am.
3 hour delay: Explorer Before School Care will open at 9:30am.